The sights and sounds of Harare are simply mesmerizing. Traffic clogged roads filled with the sound of car horns of impatient motorists trying to get into the city are a stark contrast to the warm and friendly people we meet everywhere go.
In addition to the road chaos we are all familiar with, our day took a quick turn for the good when we arrived at Territorial Headquarters and we’re able to share in the World Wide Prayer Meeting. What a privilege to start the day with our colleagues in this way and to share in their warm welcome and embrace. Interestingly, only two weeks ago I shared in the World Wide Prayer Meeting with our International Leaders and delegates participating in the #GlobalConversation in Orlando, Florida. My travels have helped me better understand and appreciate the vast and varied Salvation Army – One Army – that is ours!
A highlight of our trip to THQ was filming the musical rehearsal featuring the traditional Zimbabwean ‘hosho’ rhythm instrument. What a joyful expressions of praise and worship and I couldn’t’ help myself when one of my colleague Officers starts to sway and dance in that familiar African style, I joined right in, much to the delight of our Officers friends and the film crew. I really need to get a ‘hosho’ rhythm instrument to share with my friends in the Bromley Temple band upon my return in a few weeks.
The warm rains started to fall as we set off for the Makonde Division in Chinhoyi about a 90 minute drive from Harare where we interviewed Commissioner Stanslous Mutewera, retired territorial commander of the Zimbabwe Territory and one of a few Zimbabweans who lived in Chinhoyi when General Andre Cox lived in the village as a young boy when his parents were the Regional Commanders.
The Commissioner was a most engaging interview and storyteller (and I won’t steal any of his thunder here) but it was a most enjoyable experience. A personal highlight as the afternoon came to a close was when we formed a prayer circle and shared rich moments together as the rain fell upon us and the red clay dirt that is a hallmark of Zimbabwe.
Well, that’s a quick reflection on our first full day in Harare. Rich in new friendships and experiences. My SAVN.TV friends and I can’t hardly wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Blessings and thanks for reading. Please pray for our team as we share in ministry in Zimbabwe and South Africa over the next 2 weeks.
Major John Murray
The Salvation Army International Communications Secretary